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GCSE Results Day 2024

GCSE Results Day 2024

Coleraine Grammar pupils celebrated excellent GCSE results on Thursday 22th August and many pupils and parents expressed their delight when the envelopes were opened in the Humphreys Hall.
Thirty-five pupils achieved at least 7A/A* grades with 8 of them achieving at least 9A/A*. Five more of this group went even further and achieved 10A/A* in their full course GCSE subjects.
Considering the examination boards had informed schools that GCSE results were to be brought back to the pre-Covid levels of 2019, the pupils have achieved a very pleasing set of results.
Headmaster, Dr D. Carruthers commented, “I am absolutely delighted with these excellent results and wish to congratulate all our Year 12 pupils who have worked so diligently and the staff and parents who supported them. We are very proud of their achievements and look forward to welcoming pupils back to school next week to begin studying for their A Levels.”

The school wishes a huge congratulations to all of our Year 12 pupils; the names listed here are just a small sample of the excellent grades achieved across all subject areas.