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Puzzle Club

Puzzle Club

This is a fun club where the pupils are able to develop a range of lateral and strategic thinking skills using a wide variety of interactive and hands-on puzzles and games. Pupils from Years 8 and 9 attended Puzzle Club at lunchtime on Week A Wednesdays this year. A dedicated group of mainly Year 8 boys never missed a week!

Popular puzzles include Tantrix – joining tiles to make coloured loops, the Soma cube – putting 7 pieces together to form a 3 by 3 by 3 cube, Happy Cubes – fitting the pieces into the outlines or forming cubes and many puzzles where you have to arrange the pieces by matching parts of the picture. There is even a Jenga set!

Some pupils enjoy a new challenge every week while others return to the same puzzle, determined to finally crack it! We had some successes this year as pupil determination paid off!