
Supercar Show and Colour Run
SUPERCAR FUNDAY AND COLOUR RUN A pleasant change in the weather welcomed our Supercar and Colour run Community Fun Day. From supercar classics to modern ...
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SEAG Entrance Assessment Details 2024
Click on the first image below and use the arrow keys to review the SEAG Entrance Assessment Presentation from 20th May 2024.  
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KS3 Exam Timetable
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Bar Mock Victory 2023
Bar Mock Victory  Congratulations to the Bar Mock Trial Team who won the Belfast Regional Heat of the prestigious Citizenship Foundation Bar Mock Competition.  The ...
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Reminders for SEAG at CGS
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SEAG Transfer Information
Click on the link below for information about the upcoming SEAG transfer procedures: Familiarisation PowerPoint
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LR Campus Closure
Dear Parent/carer, The electricity at the Lodge Road failed late this afternoon, so Lodge Road will be closed on Friday 6 October for pupils and ...
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Information on the new primary school transfer exams
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GCSE and A-Level Exam Instructions
Click on the link below to read the CCEA GCSE and A-Level Exam Instructions for 2023. IFC-Written_Examinations_2023_FINAL
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