Arrangements for

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Year 8 Parents’ Meetings

Tuesday 13th June early closure for years 9-11 to facilitate year 8 parents' meetings.

Year 8 Parents’ Afternoon

Year 8, 13th June,  Lodge Road, 1.45pm

Year 8 Parents’ Afternoon will take place at the Lodge Road campus on Tuesday 13th June beginning at 1.45pm.
This re-arrangement is due to current industrial action by teaching unions and we apologise for any inconvenience.

Year 8 pupils should stay in school as normal and attend the consultation with their parents. Lunch will be available.


Years 9 and 10 

School will finish at 12.30pm on 13th June and lunch will be not available. Year 9 and 10 pupils who wish to stay in school until 3.25pm
to catch buses home may do so and will be supervised.


Year 11 

School will finish at 12.30pm on 13th June and lunch will not be available.