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Year 8 GL Assessments

Information for parents about year 8 GL assessments


Dear parent/carer (s)


As part of our assessment programme we use several sets of pupil data to monitor your child’s progress and inform our teaching. One
of the tools we use is a suite of tests from GL Assessment to give us an acute understanding of our pupils’ potential. These assessments



2.Progress test in English, Science and Mathematics (PTE/PTS/PTM)

3.Pupil Attitudes to Self and School

These first 2 sets of assessments (CAT/PTE/PTS/PTM) will be conducted at various times on the 31st August and the 4-6th September. Your child will be informed of the specific dates and times.

This data is considered alongside any other assessments conducted throughout the year to inform our teaching, as part of an ongoing
assessment programme at Coleraine Grammar School.

You can find out more about these assessments on the GL website:

Information to note:

Your child cannot revise for these tests

It would be beneficial for your child to bring his/her own headset/ear phones to these  assessments.