Corrymeela Programme

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Year 14 Announcement

Programme about "Conversations that matter"

Corrymeela are hosting an exciting programme called Conversations that Matter for young people aged 18 – 25 who are interested in engaging with critical
changes in our society. The first of three residentials will be taking place from Friday 10th – Sunday 12th February. Conversations
across the residentials will include their ideas on diversity, democracy and migration.


We want to hear the views of young people on issues like Brexit and what it means to them. Did they vote? What happens now? And how amongst all this
change do we ensure that young people have a bright future in an inclusive society?


Participants will also have the chance to apply for a fantastic two week international study programme in Germany in August where we will be thinking
of these issues on a European scale and looking at the common threads that can be used to build strong communities. This programme will take place
from 2nd – 13th August and there will be 8 places for Corrymeela applicants from Ireland that are participating in the Conversations
that Matter programme. Travel expenses will be paid for participants up to €275,00 per person (including transport to airports) and accommodation
will be provided. Participants will only pay a fee of €35 to attend.


The Programme promises to be full of interesting discussion with a diverse group of young people from all over the Island of Ireland in a beautiful


For more information please see the flyer on the link below:


CTM Flyer 2 for web.pdf