Year 11 Work Taster

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Year 11 Work Taster Reminders

Year 11 Work Taster reminders

Y11 Work Taster Placement

Points for pupils to remember:

  • Your placement gives you the chance to find out what work is really like, to develop your career plan and look at options for your future
  • Dress appropriately & smart. No jeans, tracksuit bottoms or sports tops. Smart trousers /School trousers, school shirt and school shoes would
    be fine too. Bring a packed lunch and a little money in case you need it.
  • Know the name of your supervisor.
  • Be on time and introduce yourself at Reception, say your name, school and who you are there to meet
  • Ensure you know how you are getting home. Bring packed lunch
  • Same mobile phone rules as school apply. No photos etc are to be taken and no comments about your day to be made on any social media platform.
  • Be polite and appreciative, thank them at end / give them a thank you card
  • Make notes of what you do doing the day and about the type of tasks that are being done in the work place.
  • Show interest at all times and show you want to learn
  • Think of health and safety at all times and follow all notices/ guidance in work place. Do as you are told.
  • Confidentiality – very important. Do not discuss things you have heard or read in the workplace with anyone, not even your friends and parents.
    Only discuss the TYPES of work you have seen being done.