Year 10 Subject Choice Evening and Information Fair

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Year 10 Subject Choice Evening and Information Fair

On Tuesday 26th January there will be a Year 10 Subject Choice Evening and Information Fair at 5.30pm in the Templeton Auditorium and Humphreys Hall.

Y10 Subject Choice Evening & Information Fair

Tuesday 26th January, 2016

Time: 5.30pm

Venue: Templeton Auditorium and Humphreys Hall, Castlerock Road Campus

We are delighted that 50 exhibitors are giving up their time, to attend our Fair and provide parents and pupils with a range of career information and insights into a wide range of jobs.We are asking the majority of parents to come at 5.30pm to enable everyone to gain maximum opportunity to talk individually with the exhibitors and up date themselves on the raft of opportunities available for their daughter/son.

Please study the list below and plan some of the stands you wish to visit first. On the evening you will receive a list of stand numbers and some of the questions you might like to ask.

Download a list of Organisation and Business Exhibitors

Download a list of Voluntary Organisation Exhibitors

5.30 – 6.45pm Y10 parents and pupils circulate round exhibitors

6.45pm – 7.30pm GCSE Subject Choice Talk

7.30pm – 8.45pm Y10 parents and pupils finish visiting exhibitors