UK Parliament Experience

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UK Youth Parliament Experience

A report from one of our pupils who was elected to the UK Youth Parliament.

During the past year I have had the privilege of being a Member of the UK Youth Parliament, a youth organisation consisting of elected members aged between
11 and 18 from all across the UK. Members use their elected voice to bring about social change through local and national campaigning. In February
of 2015 I ran in an election against other young people in the area, and won the East Londonderry seat, becoming one of eighteen UK Youth Parliament
members elected in Northern Ireland.

During my term in office I met monthly with other Members and local Stormont politicians to plan campaigns on issues such as Votes at 16 and racial and
religious discrimination. During Easter and the summer holidays I attended national conferences in Kent and at the University of Exeter. I debated
with the other Members on topics as varied as National Living Wage and gender equality, and heard talks from inspirational political campaigners such
as Labour MP Siân James. I was even lucky enough to meet and speak with John Bercow, MP for Buckingham, Speaker of the House of Commons, and a long-time
supporter of the Youth Parliament.

Without a doubt the highlight of my year was last November, when I flew to London to attend a debate in the House of Commons. It was an honour to sit on
the famous green benches where so many famous and influential politicians have sat, and even stand at the dispatch box. My visit to Parliament was
an incredible experience I’m sure I will never forget.

I have loved every minute of my year as a Member of the UK Youth Parliament, and was sad to see my term came to an end. I would like to say thank you to
the pupils of Coleraine Grammar School who voted for me, the teachers who have supported me in my role throughout the year, and especially to those
who have helped me with local campaigns.