Spanish Trip to Seville

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Spanish Trip to Seville

A report on the CGS language department trip to Seville.

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Report on Seville trip 6th – 9th February 2016

At 1:30am on Saturday 6th February, 32 excited and sleep-deprived girls departed from the Lodge Road along with three teachers for the long-awaited trip
to Seville. Saturday was full of travelling and attempting to sleep until we made a stop in the afternoon in the town of Ronda for some lunch and sightseeing.
The town had a beautiful park which we all admired and the el Tajo gorge had a stunning view which seemed to go on for miles. That evening we arrived
at our hotel in Seville and after dinner had a first walk around the city. It didn’t take us long to fall asleep after that day! On Sunday we took a day trip to Cordoba which required an early start on a brilliantly-bright sunny day. When we arrived we were greeted by our tour guide, an enthusiastic university professor who taught us all about the architecture and the cultural integration in La Mezquita de Cordoba which was transformed from a Mosque into a Cathedral. We also had a guided tour through the streets of Cordoba including la Calle de las Flores, the most beautiful little street in the town.


Our final day of exploring was spent in Seville itself. We visited La Plaza de España, which had a tile representing every city in Spain and was spectacular to walk around. We also strolled through María Lusia Park and enjoyed the orange trees. As we were in Spain it wouldn’t have been right to leave without eating churros. We each enjoyed our delicious and authentic Spanish churros with chocolate and sugar. The afternoon was spent at the Seville Cathedral. The tomb of Christopher Columbus resides here as well as the famous Giralda tower. It was quite a climb, with winding ramps up to the top but the view was definitely worth the climb.


After a wonderful visit to Seville we headed back home on Tuesday, all in one piece thanks to the teachers. We all extremely enjoyed our time in Spain and it’s not an experience we will forget any time soon.

Rebekah Douglas Year 13