Senior Prefect Team 2020

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Senior Prefect Team 2020 – 2021

Senior prefect team announced for 2020 - 2021

Following a staff and pupil vote and a round of ZOOM interviews, we are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Senior Prefect Team for the school
year 2020-21, comprising of Head Girl/Head Boy, Deputies and Senior Prefects. We look forward to them leading their peers and the school community
in the same accomplished way that the 2019-20 Senior Prefect Team have, and we thank the 2019-20 team for their contribution and commitment to school,
particularly during the last year. The appointment of Prefects will be announced at the beginning of the new academic year at the end of August/beginning
of September. We look forward to sharing a group photograph of the new Senior team with the Headmaster in August!

Well done to everyone!!