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School Council Meetings

The school council met this week

The School Council Class Representatives met on each campus of school to discuss relevant issues and listen to pupil feedback on 20th September 2021.

Areas considered included:

• Purpose/Structure of School Councils
• Class Representatives input/feedback on Pastoral Care pupil survey
• Class Representatives input on Learning Preferences and day to day school matters, including “Likes” and “Hopes”
• Response to and feedback on excerpt of [DRAFT] new Anti-Bullying policy

We thank all Class Representatives for their input and look forward to further meetings of the School Council (Class Representative and Year Representatives) throughout the year as the school continues to listen to the views of pupils to help shape future decision making.


The School Council of Coleraine Grammar School aims to contribute, by working together, to the development of our caring, dynamic school.


The School Council allows pupils, in an organised way, to voice their opinions on important school issues.
The School Council gives pupils the opportunity to play a positive role in the life of the school.
The School Council should enable all pupils to develop a sense of loyalty to the school, resulting in a desire to become more involved in its development.
The School Council offers all pupils the opportunity to be consulted about, and respond to, proposed school developments.
The School Council helps pupils to understand the principle and practices of Democracy – a basic requirement for good Citizenship.