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Inspection Report

Y14 Last Day

Ulster Tag Rugby Champions

Rowing Legends

At the start of November CGS Rowing Club were delighted to welcome to the boathouse two CAI old boys both of whom went onto become Rowing Olympians. Mr Iain Kennedy and Mr Noel Graham. Both gentlemen were accompanied by their wives and also the third Olympian from the boat Mr David Gray.
A gathering of over thirty guests including the Headmaster , Chairman of the Board of Governors and the Chairman of the Coleraine Alumni Rowing Association admired the billboard proudly displayed in the boathouse, which showed the schools Olympic heroes. Following an inspection of the outstanding rowing facilities the guests adjourned to the Deerstalker Restaurant in the Golf links Hotel Portrush, where a room had kindly been set aside for our use. Guests enjoyed an excellent lunch and told stories and made speeches about days gone by. Everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, a big thanks to Peter and Judith Wilson for making the restaurant available and to David McDonald for his outstanding photography.