Road Safety

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Road Safety Awareness

Advice and link to road safety guidelines.


At Coleraine Grammar School we consider pupil safety as paramount.

At the start of the new academic year, it is important to remind everyone of the need to take particular care in relation to road safety issues. Positive
habits formed in September are more likely to last and become second nature to young and older alike. Everyone has a journey to make to/from school
daily so experience risk in some shape or fashion.

It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that any child under 14 years of age uses a seat belt. However, all pupils need to take personal responsibility
for their own safety and wear a seatbelt in the car and where available on the bus.

Parents can access more information at :

Young pedestrians can be more conspicuous by wearing something bright during daylight hours. Reflective materials are excellent when it is dark or
in poor light when vehicles are more likely to have their headlights on.

Pupils should be aware of the Green Cross Code.