Record numbers attend CGS Open Night and Morning

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Record numbers attend CGS Open Night and Morning

On Thursday 14th January well over 1000 people arrived at the Lodge Road site of Coleraine Grammar School.While the visitors were there, they attended a talk by the Headmaster in the Assembly Hall and also embarked upon Prefect led tours of various departments in the school.

On Thursday 14th January well over 1000 people arrived at the Lodge Road site of Coleraine Grammar School.While the visitors were there, they
attended a talk by the Headmaster in the Assembly Hall and also embarked upon Prefect led tours of various departments in the school.

Visitors had the opportunity to experience a wide variety of activities across all the subject areas.Some of the possibilities on offer were:gymnastics
displays, trying out their badminton skills or practicing their rugby ball throwing capabilities in P. E.In Science the prospective pupils were able
to assist with dissections, in History they could try building a trench, in H.E. they were treated to cookery demonstrations, some of our pupil actors
and actresses showcased their skills in Drama, in Physics there were some hair raising moments with the Van der Graaf machine.These are a small sample
of all the activities and demonstrations that were ongoing throughout the evening.

On Saturday 16th January the school also offered an Open Morning to showcase the excellent extra-curricular facilities that are on available
on the Castlerock Road campus.Visitors were able to use a “hop on hop off” mini bus route around the site which encompassed the newly refurbished rowing
pavilion, the numerous rugby pitches, Games Hall, gymnasium, drama suite and onsite swimming pool.Some Coleraine Grammar School sportsmen and women
demonstrated their skills at various sports throughout the morning.Again, the tours around some sample classrooms were led by prefects and this allowed
visitors to gain an awareness of the campus as a whole.

Many thanks to all who attended and we hope you enjoyed your time at the school with us.

Open Day Gallery 2016


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