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Inspection Report

Y14 Last Day

Ulster Tag Rugby Champions

Portadown Regatta

CGS Rowers at Portadown Regatta

Portadown Regatta – tremendous rowing in challenging conditions.

Every squad of rowers have a group of unsung heroes “the coxes”; and at Portadown, their expertise was tested to the full in very challenging cross
wind conditions. Our unsung heroesSarah, John, Jamie, Luke and Ola all performed brilliantly.

For those of you who attended Neptune Regatta at the start April, Portadown was about laying ghosts to rest and so it proved!

The MJ14 4x+ in a home derby final against Bann RC stormed to their first rowing medals. The heartbreak of a harsh disqualification in Neptune now
a distant memory. The girls J14 2x fought through three races to claim the medals, a first for crew member Jessica. The two junior girls fourteen
quads selected on this occasion as evenly matched crews battled well in their first regatta gaining valuable experience and hopefully a desire
to make the top boat in future events.

In my opinion some of the best CGS rowing of the day did not result in medals. The boys J15 4x+ in a very competitive final against Bann RC had an
oar come out of its holder “gate” banishing a medal opportunity. A lesson hard learned for the crew but I suspect one never to be forgotten.

The MJ18 1x made the final and fought valiantly to lose only by a short distance to a man a year older. The boys J16 8x+ was blown sideways in a freak
gust of wind just as the starter yelled go.By the time they got free of the bank RBAI were four boat lengths clear.In a true ‘never say die’ attitude
the lads clawed back to lose by only half a length. The fight and determination I witnessed from a coaching view point was extremely pleasing.

In line with my policy to keep introducing new rowersto established crews credit goes to, Anna, Catherine, Cathlin, Gavin, Hannahand Heidi all who
performed well in their first ever race.The WJ15 4x+ A and B crews both won their first race meeting in the semi-final with the A quad going onto
win a local derby final against Bann RC who had beaten them in Neptune.

The WJ16 8+ featuring three new girls, fought a spirited invitation race against Neptune losing by over a boat length but nevertheless a creditable
performance.The WJ15 8+ Irish Schools Champions fresh from victory in Limerick, with two crew changes including debutant Catherine, stormed to
victory and medals over Neptune in the last race of a very enjoyable day.

Special thanks goes to coaches Alan and Jamie for all their hard work during the regatta, also school photographer David who will provide many images
for you to treasure.

Mr Johnston