Parents’ Forum

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Parents’ Forum

A Parents’ Forum had been established over the past four academic years in Coleraine High School. The purpose of the Forum was to provide an arena through which parents came together, shared ideas and put forward their views.

A Parents’ Forum had been established over the past four academic years in Coleraine High School. The purpose of the Forum was to provide an arena through
which parents came together, shared ideas and put forward their views.Many aspects of school life were discussed including reporting, parental consultations,
uniform and school policies. The meetings were informal and provided a valuable platform for both parents and the school. We are very keen to establish
a new Parents’ Forum for Coleraine Grammar School.

The Forum will have, ideally, parental representatives for each form class from Year 8 to Year 12.There will be four meetings a year (one for each
half term for the first two terms), the meetings running from 5:30pm to approximately 6:30pm with the dates and an agenda agreed in advance.

If you are interested in becoming a member please email your details to, including the
name of your son/daughter and their form group. Present members of the Forum do not need to contact me as I will email them directly.