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Inspection Report

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Ulster Tag Rugby Champions

Open Night 2023

On Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th January, we were delighted to welcome over 1500 prospective pupils and their family members to our Open Evenings on the Castlerock Road campus. Special thanks must go to those who were undeterred by the significant wind and rain on the Thursday evening!

On arrival, guests were greeted by a musical ensemble in the Humphreys Hall.  There, the Headmaster and the Year 8 Pastoral Leader delivered a presentation about the school. Each night, a junior and senior pupil spoke about their experiences in CGS and gave visitors a more pupil centred view of their studies and extra-curricular activities.

Senior pupils then escorted groups of the visitors on guided tours of the school, stopping at various classrooms to participate in some of the following: in English, pupils donned Shakespearean costumes and greeted visitors with quizzes and year 8 guides, in History there were Suffragettes campaigning for votes for women, interactive games and a recruitment office for WW1, plus some soldiers!  In Home Economics there were delicious mini pizzas on offer and a kitchen hazards area to label, in Biology there were lots of experiments to take part in and even some fairly gruesome dissections to observe. In the gym there were hockey and rugby skills demonstrations to take part in.  The Maths department offered games and puzzles – one of which was a “beat the teacher” challenge. Physics pupils assisted visitors with interactive tasks, in Chemistry visitors were encouraged to try out starch tests and various other experiments. Whilst touring the classrooms the visiting pupils could look for clues of a treasure hunt that they handed in at the end of the night with hopes of winning a prize. Also, buses shuttled guests to and from the refurbished and renovated Games Hall and Rowing pavilion throughout the evening to showcase some more of our sports provision. The CGS rowers were very encouraging and helpful with visitors testing out the training equipment! All subject areas showcased a wide variety of activities throughout the course of the evening.  Once the tour was over, the Parents’ and Friends’ Association and canteen staff were on hand to provide teas, coffees and snacks.  Sincere thanks to all who attended the Open Evenings, we hope you enjoyed your time with us!