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Open Night 2018

Open Night 2018

Coleraine Grammar School Open Evenings 2018


On Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th January, approximately 1500 prospective pupils and their parents attended Coleraine Grammar’s
Open Evenings on the Lodge Road campus.

Upon arrival, guests were greeted by a swing band playing and singing in the Assembly Hall.There, the Headmaster (ably assisted by two Year 8 pupils)
gave a presentation about the school.After this, pupils escorted groups of the visitors on guided tours of the school, stopping at various
classrooms to participate in some of the following: in Chemistry there were exploding marshmallows, in History there were Suffragettes campaigning
for votes for women and model trenches being built.In Home Economics there were delicious mini carrot cakes or nutritious smoothies on offer,
in Biology there were some fairly gruesome dissections to observe, in Art there were clay models being constructed and in Geography there were
even some exploding volcanoes!

All subject areas showcased a wide variety of activities throughout the course of the evening.Once the tour was over, the Parents’ and Friends’
Association were on hand to provide teas, coffees and snacks.Many thanks to all who attended the Open Evenings.



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