On the Brink

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On the Brink History Trip

Year 10 trip

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On the Brink: The Politics of Conflict: 1914-1916.

As part of the ‘Decade of Centenaries’ in Irish history, a number of Year 10 pupils from Coleraine Grammar School participated in a workshop,
On the Brink: The Politics of Conflict: 1914-1916.’ This heritage project is organised by Mid-Antrim Museums Service in partnership with
Causeway Coast and Glens Museum Service.

Pupils visited this touring exhibition in Coleraine Town Hall on Wednesday 22nd June and Thursday 23rd June and were led on each
occasion by a programme facilitator, Gemma Reid (“Quarto Collective”), who looked specifically at “1916: Impact and Legacy”.

The project aims to engage local communities in exploring the impact and legacy of events one hundred years ago, setting local perspectives within
a national and international context. The exhibition/workshop focused specifically on local recruitment for WW1 and concurrent events in Dublin
(Easter week) and on the Western Front (including the Battle of the Somme) during 1916.

As well as being given time to explore the exhibition, pupils enjoyed a presentation talk on the background political and social issues leading up
to and including 1916, discussed contemporary events, and considered primary source material reported at the time from the local press.These interesting and thought provoking events were also considered through the lens of the personal life and death stories of local people from schools, towns and townlands around us, 100 years ago.


Exhibition venues/dates:

Portnagree House, Ballycastle, April 9th – April 25th

Coleraine Town Hall, May 5th – July 6th

Ballymoney Town Hall, July 19th – Sept 17th

Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre, Limavady, Oct 6th – Nov 26th