Notice from the Headmaster

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Notice from the HM April 2020

Notice from the HM

Parents and Pupils Update 3 April 2020

I hope this update finds our school community as well as possible, and also in as good spirits as possible.

Remember, there is a lot of general and pastoral support information on the website, and contacts for support should they be needed.

Just a couple of brief updates.

1.Studying over Easter

-The process of revising and then taking exams is the way in which knowledge and skills are consolidated every school year, and this process remains
important when all our pupils transition in September.

-I would therefore suggest that pupils undertake broadly the same revision programme at Easter as you normally would.This will require more self-discipline
than usual, and should always contain some downtime.Give it some thought and make a sensible plan.

-This also means taking a break from the on-line learning environment over Easter, and I’m asking your teachers to do the same.

2.Examination Results

-The examination regulator in England (Ofqual) made an announcement today about how GCSE, AS and A2 results in England will be awarded.The announcement
can be seen at

-The NI examination board (CCEA) is due to make an announcement next week.

-Once we see CCEA’s announcement, we will begin work on the process within our school, and communicate with you in detail as soon as we possibly can.

Please look after yourselves, families and friends over Easter, and remember you can contact school via the website if you need to.

Best wishes to everybody.

D Carruthers