Year 10 Subject Choice

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Information for Year 10 Parents

Year 10 subject choice information for parents.


Dear Parent/Carer


Y10 KS4 Subject Choice Interviews


Over the past few months your daughter /son has been considering and exploring various career paths to inform her/his decision making with regard to
her Key Stage 4 study. Their options have been outlined at the Careers Convention on 2nd February and in the Information Pack which
they have received. As parents it is important that you are equipped with accurate, up-to-date careers information in order that you can make informed
decisions with your child at this key transition point.


In order to facilitate this Dr Hull and Miss West-Hurst will be available on Monday 27th February(9 – 6pm) and Tuesday 28th February
(9 – 2.30pm) for some individual parent-pupil guidance interviews should you need specific guidance regarding your overall subject choice profile
or university subject requirements. Careers staff will have pupil data to inform their guidance.


Additionally, there will be an important talk at 3.10pm on Tuesday 28th February, prior to the Y10 Parent-Teacher Meeting for parents and pupils who are planning to follow Pathway 1 or 2 AND who are considering doing two or three sciences or Double Award Science for GCSE.

The purpose of the talk is to ensure you and your daughter/son:

  • Are aware of future career doors which are CLOSED by named science subject choices
  • Know how to maximize opportunities for his/her future beyond GCSE
  • Are aware how their GCSE subject choices impact on the availability of A-Level choices


Parents wishing to book a 25 minute interview should phone the school office (70343178) from Tuesday 21st February at 9am. On the date of
your interview you should meet your child in Reception and go to the Careers Room (LR) in time for the interview.


Please bring the following information to the interview session:

– Pupil printout of Job suggestions from Careers Ideas (pupils should print out before interview)

– GCSE Subject Choice Sheet completed in pencil

– KS4 Subject Information Pack


We do hope that you will be able to join us for the talk and that you welcome these opportunities.


Yours sincerely



H A West-Hurst (SMT CEIAG)

G Hull (Head of CEIAG)