Important Information for Parents

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Information for parents of pupils in years 12 and 13

Information for years 12 and 13


Information for parents of pupils in Year 12 and Year 13

Year 12

As we have made clear in previous information to parents of Year 12 pupils it is important that, in the absence of GCSE examinations, they remain active
as learners.

Learning and Teaching for GCSE courses is coming to an end as the courses have been finished and work undertaken to reinforce the learning. Subject areas
will now be moving to provide learning linked to AS courses via Google Classroom.

If subjects create a new Google Classroom, for transition to AS, the classroom code will be available on both the school website and in existing
Year 12 classrooms for that subject.

Pupils should:

 – Work through the learning activities in the three subjects they had planned to take at AS level (as submitted on their subject choice form
in February).

 – Choose to complete work in one additional subject which they may have in mind as an alternative.

GCSE examination results will not be issued until August by CCEA. Admission to Sixth Form and AS level study in a subject is based on those results. There
will be some instances when a year 12 pupil has done some study directly linked to an AS subject but ultimately is unable to progress to full study
of that subject. Therefore, we must stress that for a minority of pupils completing the learning activities now is not a guarantee of AS level study in that subject.

Subject departments will be providing these learning opportunities from the week beginning Monday 18th May. Thanks for ensuring
your son/daughter engages with this learning programme.

Year 13

From Monday 18th May subjects will be starting to deliver the A2 courses to Year 13 pupils.
Many of the AS courses are now completed. This will be via existing Google Classrooms which pupils should be checking each weekday. It would be appreciated
if you could ensure that your son/daughter completes the work set and participates in online learning.