Pastoral Care

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Important Pastoral Care Information

Pastoral Care Information

Dear Parent / Carer

As we begin the school year, as part of our pupil welfare programme we are sending a reminder about the importance of checking your child’s head carefully
to prevent an infestation of head lice during the school year.

Control of head lice depends on prompt diagnosis and effective treatment. Your help in inspecting your child at least weekly throughout the school
year for the presence of head lice would be greatly appreciated.

The following procedure is suggested for inspecting your child for head lice:

1. Under bright light begin looking at the back of the head just above the neck area.

2. Part the hair section by section and look closely for head lice or nits (eggs). Eggs will usually be located near the scalp.

3. Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, it should take between 5 and 15 minutes to properly inspect a child’s head.

For information on how to treat your child’s head lice infestation consult your family physician, a local pharmacist, or feel free to contact your
child’s school nurse for recommendations.

An information leaflet has been attached to this letter on controlling head lice.


J Smith

School Vice Principal