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Home Economics Trip

‘Feed Your Mind’ Open Day at CAFRE

Twenty Year 11 GCSE Home Economics pupils were invited to attend the one-day, fun filled ‘Feed Your Mind’ Open Day at Loughry, Cookstown. This event
utilises the extensive practical facilities unique to the Loughry campus, providing the students with an interesting and informative insight into
the use of science and technology within the food and drink industry.

The CGS pupils were taken through several practical demonstrations, including the production of ice-cream and chocolate processing (both very popular),
as well as tickling their taste buds in product development and finding out what’s really in a sausage!

The event is aimed at illustrating how various scientific techniques are applied to the development, manufacturing and packaging of our foods as well
as highlighting how consumer issues have a major impact on the food we eat. It was an informative and enjoyable day.

Mrs Cooper