Hockey Tour Report: Glasgow 2015

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Hockey Tour Report: Glasgow 2015

Tours have been a well-established staple of both CHS and CAI, so the Hockey Club were delighted to have the opportunity to be the first sports tour to fly the ‘Coleraine Grammar’ banner.

Tours have been a well-established staple of both CHS and CAI, so the Hockey Club were delighted to have the opportunity to be the first sports tour to
fly the ‘Coleraine Grammar’ banner.

The Senior Hockey Club took a group of 20 girls to the ‘Schools Nations Tournament’ organised by Topflight which was held in Glasgow between the 24th and 27th October. (as Coleraine High, the team had competed in the competition in Cheltenham in 2011 and Belgium in 2013)

The competition gave the players the opportunity to play at Glasgow Green, the venue of the 2014 Commonwealth Games. The facility was also used, the weekend
after the competition, for a series of Senior Women’s Internationals between Ireland and Scotland.

Unfortunately not all the 1st XI squad were away on the trip to face a series of tough fixtures. A record of 4 losses and 2 draws is testimony
to this, but those who were there gave their all.

Matches were played against:

  • High School of Glasgow
  • Salerno, Galway
  • Pangbourne College, Berkshire
  • Kelso High School
  • Mill Hill School, London
  • Mount Sackville, Dublin

It was great to play against these different schools and create links, Mill Hill have expressed an interest in coming over on tour in the future to the
North Coast

One of our players was selected for the team of the tournament by opposing coaches, whilst another was voted ‘Players’ Player’ by her team mates.

The tournament itself was won by Rainey Endowed School.

Overall this was an excellent trip, we might not have won, but importantly those who went proved themselves excellent ambassadors for the school and we
all came back safely!

Thank-you to all who supported the tour, including friends, parents, Dr Carruthers and or sponsors Bob&Berts. It was an honour to be the first touring
team from Coleraine Grammar. Hopefully there will be more opportunities in the future, with greater success on the pitch.