History and Psychology Trip to Krakow

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History and Psychology Trip to Krakow

History and Psychology Trip to Krakow


At the start of the month, 32 History GCSE and Psychology A Level pupils travelled to Krakow in Poland. This was a trip that highlighted some of the historical
significance of the city and also incorporated a visit to Auschwitz concentration camp.

Upon arrival, the pupils all embarked on a guided walking tour of Krakow and enjoyed this, despite the freezing conditions! The following day was used
to visit Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau. With excellent tour guides, the pupils learned about how the camps operated and the terrible human suffering
endured there. It really was a warning from History and a very moving experience.

On the final day of their trip, the staff and pupils visited the Oscar Schindler museum and then the incredible Saltmines in Wieliczka.

Overall, it was a very thought provoking and worthwhile trip.