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Head Girl and Head Boy to attend leadership conference

Head boy and head girl invited to leadership conference in London.

Head Boy/Head Girl Conference: Developing Student Leadership

On Friday 7th October, our Head Girl and Head Boy will be attending the 11th Annual HMC “Head Boy/Head Girl Conference: Developing Student Leadership“.

This student conference will be held at Wellington College, Berkshire.

This conference will:

  • provide an opportunity for student leaders to share good practice on effective student voice in schools
  • develop student leaders’ skills to enable them to more effectively lead student voices in their schools
  • explore future networking opportunities to enable student leaders to share best practice

The theme of the conference this year is Leadership and topics covered with include Leadership and Public Speaking. After the plenaries
there will be three breakout sessions and scenarios for the students to take part. The sessions are:

  • Session 1: Forums of communications between pupils and senior teachers
  • Session 2: Scenarios you could face as Head of School – What could you do? What should you do?
  • Session 3: Your leadership vision

We wish them both well as they continue to provide leadership to our Senior Prefect Team, Prefects and pupil body.