Geography Trip to Iceland

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Geography Trip to Iceland

On Thursday 8th October 35 girls headed off to Iceland on a Geography trip.

On Thursday 8th October 35 girls headed off to Iceland on a Geography trip accompanied by Mrs Currie (Curriculum Leader), Miss Clarke (TourCoordinator),
Mrs McCurdy and Miss Stewart.


From the outset this proved to an educationally worthwhile experience, which staff and pupils thoroughly enjoyed. Our Icelandic Guide was highly knowledgeable,
with excellent English, and he accurately explained tectonic activity, glaciers, waterfalls, and coastal processes, pointing out key features and
relating everything to the pupils’ own geographical knowledge.

After an early start, Thursday’s first stop was to a geothermal town and power station where we witnessed the harnessing of natural geothermal steam
to create a renewable source of energy and even ate eggs boiled in a hot bubbling river. After checking into our Reykjavik hotel, everyone visited
the Blue Lagoon, a warm geothermal pool which known medicinal benefits and later were fortunate to witness a spectacular display of the Northern


Friday involved a journey to experience Iceland’s Golden Circle.The waterfalls including Gullfoss, were truly spectacular. After this the group went
to Geysir, the first European area identified as having hot springs, where we witnessed spouting geysers and bubbling hot springs. Despite an exhausting
schedule the girls still found the energy to enjoy themselves at a local skate rink before dinner.

Saturday was the South Shore tour, focussing on volcanic activity and coastal processes. We enjoyed epic views of Mount Hekla and Eyjafjallajöjull,
learning more about the famous ash cloud eruption of Eyjafjallajöjull in 2010. We also visited a black sand beach to see basaltic columns identical
to the Giants Causeway, climbed to the top of Skogafoss waterfall and hiked to the snout of a calving glacier. We also had the opportunity to walked
behindSeljalandsfoss waterfall and see waterfall formation processes at work.

Sunday brought a more relaxing experience with visits to the local geothermal outdoor pool and a trip into the centre of Reykjavik before heading on
the return journey home.


The pupils were a real credit to Coleraine Grammar School and the Geography department are keen to undertake a similar fieldtrip to Iceland again in
the future.