GCSE Results Information

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GCSE Results Information

GCSE Results Information

GCSE results will be available for collection from the Humphreys Hall from 9am on Thursday 24th August.

Careers staff will be available for consultation on both the Castlerock Road and the Lodge Road campuses on 24th and 25th August.
You should ensure that you speak to one of the Careers staff if you have changed your subject choices to ensure preferred career opportunities
are open to you.

The criteria for entry into Year 13 are published in full on the Coleraine Grammar School website.

All pupils wishing to enter Coleraine Grammar School Year 13 for 2017/2018 must register in the Humphreys Hall with a member
of Senior Management on 24th August (9.00am – 1.00pm, 2.00pm – 4.00pm) or 25th August 2016 (9.00am – 1.00pm) on the Castlerock
Road campus. You must be accompanied to this meeting by a parent or guardian.

Year 13 pupils are required in school on the Castlerock Road campus on Wednesday 30th August (all day).