GCSE Maths Module

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GCSE Maths Module in January

Details about GCSE Maths module on 9th January 2017.

Please see below for details that have been posted home about the GCSE Maths Module on 9th January 2017:




GCSE Mathematics Module

Dear Parent/Carer

Your son/daughter will be sitting a GCSE Mathematics module on Monday 9th January 2017. This is worth 45% of their GCSE result.

The module will be sat on the Castlerock Road campus. Your son/daughter should be at the examination hall by 9am.

T2: 9:15 – 10:45am in the Humphries Hall.

T3: 9:15 – 11:15am in the Humphries Hall.

T4: 9:15 – 11:15am in the Templeton Auditorium.

After completing the examination, pupils will be given a break and will then return to class.

I would ask you to continue to encourage your son/daughter in their GCSE Mathematics course. I hope that they will make every effort to fulfil their potential
in Mathematics by ensuring all notes are up to date before the end of the term, completing any set homework and revising thoroughly.


Many thanks for your support,

Curriculum Leader
