Excellent GCSE Results

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Excellent GCSE Results

Congratulations to our GCSE students.

On Thursday 23rd August pupils from Coleraine Grammar School pupils celebrated their GCSE success. An incredible 67 pupils were awarded at least 5A* or A grades in full course GCSE subjects and over half of these pupils achieved at least 7A* or A grades.

Most impressively, 12 pupils achieved 10 A/A* grades in their full course GCSEs with several of these pupils achieving 9A*s and an A. Our top student was
awarded an A* in all 10 of her full course subjects (plus an A* in short course Religious Studies).An amazing achievement!

This outstanding collection of grades is a testament to the pupils’ hard work and dedication across the two years of their GCSE studies and they should
be commended for their excellent marks.

We are very proud of all our pupils’ achievements and wish all our pupils continued success.