Excellent A Level Results

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Excellent A Level Results

Excellent A Level Results

On Thursday 16th August, many Coleraine Grammar School pupils were celebrating their A Level results.


Almost 70% of Year 14 pupils receiving their A Level results achieved A*- C in all their subjects, which reflects the hard work and dedication of both
pupils and staff. Across the school, 13 different departments can celebrate 100% of pupils achieving A* – C grades. The pupils deserve to be congratulated
for their success and we look forward to seeing how they progress at university and in their subsequent chosen career paths.


Some of the top achieving students were as follows: Ancel Bell and Anna Wallace both received 2 A* and 2 A grades. Anna is taking up her place at QUB
in Medicine and Ancel will study Computer Science at Durham after a gap year. Holly Woodhead received 3 A* grades, ensuring her place at Oxford
to read Theology and Religion. Matthew Logue achieved 2 A*s and one A, enabling him to read Law at Cambridge. Michael Simpson achieved 2 A*s, an
A and a B grade and is taking up his place at Trinity College, Dublin. Courtney Campbell achieved 1 A* and 3 A grades and will study Music at Ulster
University, to name but a few. Furthermore, 37 pupils were awarded at least 2 A*/A grades and 14 pupils in total achieved all A* or A grades in
their subjects. In the year group as a whole, there were 114 A* and A grades awarded.


Very impressively, our Year 14 pupils have been highly successful in securing places in their first choice universities which include St Andrews and
a range of Russell Group universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, Queens, Liverpool and Birmingham. Course
choices include Medicine, Law, Software Engineering, Chemical Engineering, International Relations, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Business Economics,
Computer Science, Music, Food Science & Nutrition, Geography, Accounting & Finance, Teaching, Nursing, and various allied health professions.


Other successes included Head Girl Zara Hegarty who achieved 3 A grades and will study Geography and History at Queen’s, and Head Boy Calum Beggs who
achieved 3 As and will now embark upon his degree in Medicine at QUB.

Headmaster, Dr D. Carruthers commented that, “We are proud of all that our pupils achieve, and these excellent results are evidence of the talent and
dedication of both pupils and staff in Coleraine Grammar School.”


There were highlights in the AS results for Year 13 pupils too.

Very impressively, 8 pupils achieved A* – C in the full A level Maths grade in one year. These pupils were Erin Gibson, Andrew Irwin, Dillon McLennan,
Kirsty Thompson, Matthew Murchison, David Sherrard, David Tennant and Caitlyn Taylor. Most notably, Dillon McLennan achieved an A* and six of the
others achieved an A grade. An impressive set of results whilst also studying for their AS subjects.

In Year 13 as a whole, there were 20 pupils with 3 or more A grades.Erin Gibson and Andrew Irwin both achieved 4 A grades, plus an A in Mathematics
A level in one year – a tremendous achievement. Anna Jinks, Jonah Lennox and Conor Wisener all achieved 4 A grades.

Many congratulations to everybody.

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