Election of Parent Governors – Wednesday 27th January

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Election of Parent Governors – Wednesday 27th January

REMINDER of Election of Parent Governors – Wednesday 27th January, 7.00pm, Humphreys Hall on the Castlerock Road Campus.

REMINDER of Election of Parent Governors – Wednesday 27th January, 7.00pm, Humphreys Hall, Castlerock Road Campus.

In accordance with the provisions of the Education and Libraries (N.I.) Order 1986 incorporated in the Scheme of Management for Coleraine Grammar School,
three parents are to be elected to serve on the Board of Governors of Coleraine Grammar School.

The Election of these three Parent Governors will take place on Wednesday, 27th January at 7.00pm in the Humphreys Hall on the Castlerock Road

All parents with a child currently registered at Coleraine Grammar School are encouraged to attend this important evening, and will be allowed to vote for up to three candidates to serve as Parent Governors.

Each nominee will provide a brief introduction to themselves, their experience, and what they and what they can bring to the role of Governor.

Voting will be by simple majority. Please note, in line with Department of Education Circular Number 2013/22, proxy votes are not permitted.

We look forward to seeing you,

Mervyn Linton

Clerk to the Board of Governors

Coleraine Grammar School