Coleraine Grammar School vs Dalriada

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Ulster Tag Rugby Champions

Coleraine Grammar School vs Dalriada

On Wednesday 4th November Coleraine Grammar School 1stXV defeated Dalriada 1stXV in Ballymoney in front of a large home crowd.

On Wednesday 4th November Coleraine Grammar School 1stXV defeated Dalriada 1stXV in Ballymoney in front of a large home crowd. The first half was an extremely
hard fought and physical affair with both teams giving their all. Coleraine dominated proceedings with some excellent carries from their forward pack
and some very clinical play from the backline. Callum Smith ensured that his team played in the right areas of the pitch with a very accurate and smart
kicking game that helped to keep pressure on the opposition.

Coleraine scored three well worked tries throughout the half with Callum Smith, Andrew McKee and Thomas Lavery all getting on the score-sheet. Dalriada
scored an excellent try just before half-time to leave the score 21-7 to Coleraine. Dalriada came out firing after half time and worked tirelessly
to get back into the game. The pack increased their physicality and the backline looked very dangerous at times. Coleraine showed great team spirit
and discipline to hold out their opponents and give very few penalties away. Two well struck penailties from Callum Smith during the half ensured the
win would go to the away side and keep Dalriada from getting any momentum and back into the game.

In the pack Gabriel Mawhinney, Marcus McKeag and Max Baillie stood out and in the backs Niall Cameron, Andrew White and Thomas Lavery put in excellent
performances. Man of the Match went to Callum Smith who looked a class above on the day with sound game management and 17 individual points on the
day. This was one of the best performances of the season from the Coleriane side who are starting to come together after a slow start. The backs were
very clinical and the pack showed real focus and grit to finish on top of their opponents. A very pleasing result that ensures that Coleraine keep
up the momentum they have been building since their impressive win against Campbell College in October. In other results between the two schools the
2ndXV lost 15-14 to Dalriada, the Under 14s lost 12-5 and the Under 13s won 50-0 on Saturday morning.