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Code Camp for pupils in Years 11-14

Kainos Software running a code camp for pupils in years 11-14 in Belfast.

Kainos Software (Belfast) is running a CodeCamp for Years 11-14 on the 25th JULY – 5th AUGUST 2015 at Queen’s University, Belfast.

It is free and runs from 10am – 4.30pm each day.

Students will benefit from real life experience of the world of software development as well as mentoring from Kainos developers and QUB lecturers.
The programme will include various workshops in web design, JAVA, Python, IOS and Raspberry Pi, and will give each participant the opportunity
to learn, design and build their very own Android app from scratch. At the end of the two weeks, pupils will present their app to a judging panel
in a ‘Dragons’ Den’ style scenario and prizes will be awarded to winning designs in various categories. No experience or knowledge is necessary,
only an interest in STEM subjects and a willingness to participate and gain valuable experience with current technology.

There are only 100 places available.

Places are allocated on a first come first served basis and are expected to fill very quickly.

Tickets will be released on 11th June at 9am and we recommend that pupils register their interest at to receive a reminder before tickets are available.

They can also follow Kainos CodeCamp on Twitter @kainosCodeCamp to keep up to date with the latest news.