Inaugural Coleraine Grammar School Carol Services

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Our Inaugural Coleraine Grammar School Carol Services took place today. All the pupils, from the musicians, to the readers, soloists, choristers and Prefects all performed superbly today and successfully got everyone in the Christmas spirit.

The inaugural Coleraine Grammar School Carol Services took place in St Patrick’s Church, Coleraine last week.The four services took place over two days
and the church was filled to capacity on each occasion with pupils, parents and friends of the school.

The event involved over 300 boys and girls and showcased some of the outstanding musical talent that the new school possesses.The musical arrangements
were organised by Mr Richard McCreery who is the Curriculum Leader for Music accompanied by Mrs Jayne McCreery and Mrs Roisin Taggart.

The service included Junior, Intermediate, Senior Girls’ and Chamber Choirs along with Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 musical compositions.These were ably
assisted by the school orchestra and the service included readings from various pupils, teachers and clergy who reminded us all of the real meaning
of Christmas.

The school would like to thank St Patrick’s for allowing them the use of their church and Mr Peter Semple for organising the service.

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