Centre Assessed Grades Appeal Protocol

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Centre Assessment Grades Appeal Protocol Updated

Updated centre assessed grades appeal protocol

Centre Assessment Grades Appeals Protocol – 24th August 2020

All schools received the following information on 20 August at 2pm, the day that GCSE results were issued, and a week after AS and A2 grades were issued
(13 August), and then reverted to the Centre Assessment Grades (17 August).

The Following is the CCEA Information in Full, Word for Word

On 17 August, Education Minister Peter Weir announced that:

  • GCSE students’ grades should now be based only on the centre assessment grades provided by their schools and colleges.
  • GCE AS and A2 students should now be awarded either the standardised grade issued on 13 August or their centre assessment grade – whichever is higher.

In light of this decision, CCEA’s appeals process for applications received onto CCEA’s Post Results Services System after 16:00 on Monday 17th August will be accepted on one or more of the following grounds:

  • CCEA used the wrong data to calculate your grade.
  • CCEA allocated the wrong grade through an administrative error.
  • CCEA communicated the wrong grade.
  • CCEA did not apply procedures consistently or that procedures were not followed properly and fairly.

We will also address a situation where a centre’s internal complaints process concludes that a student’s centre assessment outcome was affected by discrimination or bias, which will be considered by CCEA as potential malpractice.

An appeal will not be accepted where the centre seeks to revise the centre assessment grade on the basis that its professional judgement when deciding its grades was wrong.

End of CCEA Statement

Coleraine Grammar School’s Appeals Protocol

In light of the above, Coleraine Grammar School’s Appeals Protocol for CCEA awarded grades is as follows: –

1) Coleraine Grammar School (CGS) does not have the authority to change a GCSE, AS or A-Level grade which has been awarded by CCEA, only CCEA can do that.

2) CCEA has stated that ‘an appeal will not be accepted where the centre (ie school) seeks
to revise the centre assessment grade on the basis that its professional judgement when deciding its grades was wrong.’

3) Therefore, CGS will not consider appeals on the grounds that the school’s professional judgment was wrong.

4) If you believe that a centre assessment grade was affected by discrimination or bias, please follow the school’s Complaints Procedure which can
be found at www.colerainegrammar.com/about/policies.If
a complaint about bias or discrimination is upheld by the school, CCEA will address the situation as per the CCEA statement.

5) Other grounds for appeal are listed by CCEA in the four bullet points in their above text.

6) The closing date for appeals to be submitted to the school is 11 September 2020.

D Carruthers


Coleraine Grammar School