CGS Careers Convention

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Careers Convention and Information Fair 2017

Careers Convention and Information Fair on Thursday 2nd February.

CGS Careers Convention and Information Fair

We place great importance on encouraging and facilitating all our pupils to make the right selection of subjects to study and career paths to undertake.
Therefore, in order to assist our Year 10, 12 and 13 pupils in making more informed choices about the next stage of their education, CGS hosted
a Community Careers Convention and information fair on the Castlerock Road campus on Thursday 2nd February.

There were 80 exhibitors in attendance, who collectively represented local and global businesses, universities from the UK and Republic of Ireland
and voluntary organisations. Pupils and parents were able to chat to the facilitators and also attend talks and workshops that showcased the career
opportunities each could offer.

Thank you to the many visitors who attended, we hope you found the evening helpful and informative.