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Books for Zomba

Books for Zomba.

On Monday Coleraine Grammar School has made an unprecedented gift of maths and English books for schools in Zomba in southern Malawi. Alan Pepin,Curriculum
Leader of the English Department, and Ruth Pedlow, Curriculum Leader of the Maths Department, handed over some 1,000 old school booksfor the Zomba
Action Project (ZAP) to distribute to secondary schools in Zomba. The two curriculum leaders and colleagues from their departments felt it would
be a shame to send the books to be re-cycled; they were keen to donate them to schools which would welcome them.

Mr Pepin commented: ‘We will be teaching from a new series of books in the autumn, so we are pleased that these books will continue to be put to good
use; I know that they will be much appreciated in Zomba’.

Roisin McCaughan, representing ZAP, said ‘Many pupils in rural secondary schools have to share books, they are in such short supply. This gift will
greatly improve the opportunity to learn for those pupils lucky enough to receive a Coleraine Grammar book.’

If you would like to contribute to the cost of transporting these books to Zomba, please contact Ken Ford at 07909504646