Bereavement Counselling Services

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Bereavement Counselling Services

Bereavement Counselling Services


Managing a sense of loss, bereavement or despair


If you, or someone you know is in distress or despair, please contact Lifeline on 0808 808 8000 or Samaritans on 116 123.
Both numbers are free from UK landlines and mobiles.



If you are concerned about your mental health it is important that you seek help immediately. Talk to a friend or family member and make an appointment
with your GP. You can also call Lifeline or Samaritans on the numbers listed above.
The mental health and well-being of our young people remains paramount over the summer break. You can still self-refer for counselling by visiting the to complete a self-referral online.


Please see the attached information pictures. Referrals may be made directly via the digital referral form on the Familyworks website or via our telephone
helpline numbers, which are 02891821721 and 02891820341.