BBC News School Report

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BBC News School Report

Our Year 11 Journalism pupils will be making the news for real on 10 March 2016 as they take part in BBC News School Report. We aim to publish the news by 1600 GMT on the News Day, so please save this page as a favourite and return to it later.

BBC News School Report

On the 15th January the BBC Bus visited Coleraine Grammar School. Three BBC journalists facilitated a Radio Package workshop for the Year 11
Journalism pupils. They learnt how to identify newsworthy stories, developed interview techniques and learnt about the importance of producing balanced
reports. Look out for their two Radio Packages – one on New Year’s Resolutions and the other on living in Coleraine – which will be broadcast via the
school website on the 10th March 2016 for BBC School Report!

These Year 11 Journalism pupils will be making the news for real on 10 March 2016 as they take part in BBC News School Report. We aim to publish the news
by 1600 GMT on the News Day, so please save this page as a favourite and return to it later.

Here are some pictures from the recent workshop with the BBC.


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