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Inspection Report

Y14 Last Day

Ulster Tag Rugby Champions

Bar Mock Victory 2023

Bar Mock Victory 

Congratulations to the Bar Mock Trial Team who won the Belfast Regional Heat of the prestigious Citizenship Foundation Bar Mock Competition. 

The competition involves competing in Mock Trial Cases against other schools. Encompassing the full courtroom experience from cross examinations to closing speeches, under the watchful eye of KC’s and High Court Judges, it is a test of nerve and skill. 

There were 16 teams at the event. The CGS team equipped itself tremendously in Trials against Dominican College Belfast, Strathearn School and Wallace High School. Following an anxious wait the announcement was made with CGS claiming first place, ahead of Ballyclare High in third and Glenlola Collegiate in second. 

The win was greeted with shock and joy, as the magnitude of the achievement sunk in. This is the first time that Coleraine Grammar have won the event and means that they now go on to the UK Final at the Old Bailey in London in the new year. 

Congratulations to all involved and thanks to Ms Nadine Knight BL, who has assisted the team in their preparations. 

Needless to say we are exceptionally proud of the team and wish them every success as they progress. 





George Campbell 

Martyna Szatan 

Hester Hutchinson 

Dylan Sloan 



Grace Allen 

Daniel Dearing 

Jack Embleton 

Eloise Markey 

Grace Tweedie 

Claudia Sherrard 

Matthew McCracken 

Daniel Smyth 


Court Staff 

Will McCollum 

Katie McKeown