Two Wins at Athlone Regetta

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Inspection Report

Y14 Last Day

Ulster Tag Rugby Champions

Athlone Regetta 2019

CGSRC travelled to Athone on Friday evening staying over in a local B&B

CGSRC travelled to Athone on Friday evening staying over in a local B&B. A quick bite to eat was followed by a highly competitive colouring in competition
(congrats to the winners)!

Racing started for our Girls J18 4x-, the girls rowed a good race but sadly were on the tough side of a strong heat and didn’t qualify for the final. Our Girl Club 2 1x had a fantastic day racing through semi finals to finish in bronze medal position in the final. Next up was the Girls J18 1x. Again racing through semi finals to eventually win the final convincingly. All being well the next time this young lady races will be on the other side of the world in Tokyo, Japan! In the morning our boys squad raced in the J18 4+ final and managed to finished in the bronze medal position. In the afternoon they rowed a fantastic race in the Club 2 4+ to take the well deserved victory. Our girl J16 1x, while still a year young for the category, raced through semi finals to finish in a fantastic bronze medal place in a fleet of 13 other boats. Lastly was the Girls J18 8+, the girls rowed very well, but sadly came up against strong competition in two of the strongest J18 8+’s in Ireland and finished 3rd in their final.

Really well done to all of the athletes on their performances this weekend. Everyone rowed well and represented their club impeccably. Thanks, as always, to all of the travelling support. You’re help is greatly appreciated.