AS / A2 Results Information

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AS / A2 Results Information

AS / A2 Results Information

AS and A Level Results information – 10th August 2021

PIN numbers from CCEA are available at the Castlerock Road reception so that year 13 and 14 pupils can access their results from 8.30am on Tuesday morning. Please collect these by the end of Monday afternoon if you wish to access your results online.


If you wish to receive your results over the telephone, reception will be open from 9.00am on Tuesday morning.


All results will be enveloped and available at reception from 9.00am if you wish to collect them in person and those not collected that day will be sent in the post on Tuesday evening.


Careers staff are available on the Castlerock Road on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th August 2021. If you wish to arrange a telephone or face-to-face appointment with a member of the careers department, please e-mail Dr Wilson at




The school’s Appeals Policy for the Post-Results Service 2021 was placed on the school’s website on 24 June, and is available at


Further information, including the Post Results Service Submission Form, which is referred to in the above policy is available at .

If you wish to appeal one or more of your results you should complete the Submission Form and email it to by the relevant deadline which is given in the policy. You can also e-mail Mr Evans at if you wish to consider submitting a centre review.