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Arrangements For First Days Back

Welcome Back to Coleraine Grammar School

Thursday 26th August (half day – school finishes 12noon) LODGE ROAD CAMPUS:

All Year 8 pupils to meet in the playground outside the Assembly Hall. Line up in new classes (Year 8 will receive a separate communication about their new class before Thursday). Prefects will be on hand to assist on Thursday morning.


Year 8 classes will meet with their Tutor and will complete their Year 8 induction.


Year 8 pupils should bring their own break with them on Thursday.


Pupils should be collected/may leave from the Lodge Road pedestrian exit at 12noon.


Friday 27th August (half day – school finishes 12noon) LODGE ROAD CAMPUS:


Year 8 pupils should go to their Form room (same room as Thursday) for Form time. Use the Year 8 pupil entrance that you will be shown on Thursday.


Year 9 pupils to meet in playground outside the Assembly Hall. Line up in classes and meet their tutor who will accompany them to their Form room for induction. Use the Year 9 pupil entrance, close to the Assembly Hall.


Year 10 pupils are to use the Year 10 pupil entrance beside main reception and go directly to their Form room for induction, as follows:


10S1: Art AR1
10S2: Geography GR1
10S3: Maths R07
10G1: R.E. R18
10G2: Languages R03
10G3: Maths R09


  • All pupils should bring their own break with them on Friday.
  • Pupils should be collected/may leave from Lodge Road pedestrian exit at 12noon.
  • All LR pupils must bring a packed lunch and break with them on Tuesday 31st August 2021 (the Lodge Road EA Canteen does not open until Wednesday 1st September 2021)
  • Parents are reminded that there are no Translink school buses until Wednesday 1st September 2021.


Arrangements for Friday 27th August (half day – school finishes 12noon) CASTLEROCK ROAD CAMPUS.


Year 11


Year 11 pupils are to go straight to the Humphreys Hall when they arrive in school in Friday. From there they will be taken on a tour around the school in small groups and then go to their registration rooms.


Year 12


Year 12 are to go straight to their registration rooms (see below) when they arrive in school on Friday.


12-1 Room 21
12-2 Room 36
12-3 Room10
12-4 Room 45
12-5 Room 53
12-6 Room 55


Year 13


Year 13 are to go to their registration rooms (see below) when they arrive in school on Friday. New pupils in Year 13 are to go to the library where the Pastoral Leader/Assistant Pastoal Leader will meet them.


13A (Allen – Chambers) Room 12
13B (Clarke – Gordon) Room 51
13C (Hamilton – Mairs) Room 15
13D (Martel – McMullan S) Room 16
13E (Millar – Pritchard) Room 37
13F (Racharov – Wright) Room 7


Year 14


Year 14 are to go straight to their registration rooms (see below) when they arrive in school on Friday.


14A Room 40
14B Room 3
14C Room1
14D Room 31
14E Room 60
14F Room 5


  • Senior staff will be present at the front of school to direct pupils.
  • There will be no taught classes on Friday and school will finish at 12noon.
  • All pupils should bring their own break with them on Friday.
  • Parents are reminded that there are no Translink school buses until Wednesday 1st September 2021.