AQE Test Process 2021

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AQE Test Process 2021

Information about the 2021 AQE test process at CGS

Information for pupils taking their AQE Tests at CGS


Dear Parent/Carer

Further to my previous email sent on Friday 22nd October 2021, please note our AQE Familiarisation Morning on Saturday 6th November will now take place on our Castlerock Road campus beginning promptly at 10.00am.

Therefore the AQE Assessments held on 20th & 27th November and 4th December will also take place at our Castlerock Road campus.
I apologise for any inconvenience caused by this change of venue, which is due to circumstances beyond our control.

Pupils should be in their primary school uniforms this Saturday and when they are taking the tests.

I have prepared a 9 minute PowerPoint with further information for you, which can be viewed by clicking the arrow in the presentation below, and please begin dropping off pupils from 9.15am, as stated in the PowerPoint.

Dr Carruthers


Expectations of Parents and Pupils During AQE Assessments

In order to ensure the safety of Pupils and staff during the AQE Assessment, a series of measures to help create a safer environment have been introduced. We ask that all pupils and parents take the time to look through these measures and that Pupils follow the procedures and expectations carefully.


For Parents/Guardians
Please DO NOT send your son/daughter to do an Assessment if:
• He/she has any of the symptoms of COVID-19: high temperature (37.8C or above); a new/continuous cough; or a loss/change in sense of smell/taste;
• He/she is required to isolate because of a positive PCR test (themselves or household members).
• Please ensure that your son/daughter has adhered to the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 and he/she has self-isolated in one place for 10 days if he/she has returned from a ‘Red Listed’ country.

Guidance for Travel from Red List Countries can be found here:
If an individual has returned from a red list country, they will be required to enter hotel quarantine for 10 days. Further information regarding testing requirements can be found at the link above.
Guidance for Travel from Non Red List Countries can be found here:

If within 48 hours of an AQE Assessment, your son/daughter tests positive for COVID-19, you must inform AQE and the school where your child sat the Assessment and AQE will contact the EA / PHA as per guidance.

For Pupils:
• If a candidate is feeling unwell while attending an Assessment, they should inform a member of staff immediately and follow the procedures of the school.

• Pupils should enter school grounds and buildings using the designated entrance and adhere to any times agreed for drop off and pick up;
• Pupils should only bring approved items to the Assessment;
• Pupils may bring a water bottle with no label in clear bag.
• Pupils are asked to follow social distancing guidance on arrival and exiting the school grounds;
• Parents must not congregate in groups in areas immediately outside the school;
• Parents must not enter the school buildings;
• Only ONE parent should escort their child to and from the school entrance;
• Parents are requested to wear masks while escorting their child to and from the school entrance.

• Pupils must follow the instructions of staff at all times;
• Pupils must sit at their designated seat;
• Pupils must not share stationery with others;
• Pupils must respect the personal space of others in the room;

Pupils should:
• Follow social distancing guidelines as set out by the PHA and the school;
• Follow one-way systems and floor and wall signage;
• Respect appropriate social distancing 2m when interacting with staff and Pupils, including those not in their bubble;
• Keep moving in the corridors and take particular care when moving through any necessary ‘cross-over areas’;
• Not make physical contact with others.

Pupils should:
• Maintain high levels of hygiene – wash hands and use of hand sanitiser;
• Maintain 2m social distancing where possible;
• Not congregate or loiter in toilet areas.

Pupils must:
• Respect the personal space of others;
• Not spit in the school grounds;
• Not cough or sneeze in someone’s direction deliberately;
• Accept that others may be anxious about COVID-19 and should not do anything deliberately which will increase their anxiety;
• If worn ensure face coverings are used correctly.

• Pupils must sanitise their hands as soon as they arrive at the school
• Pupils are asked to use soap and water when washing their hands
• Pupils are encouraged to bring and use their own hand sanitiser and tissues to the school.
• Pupils should exercise good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
• Pupils must dispose of litter in the bins provided