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AQE Familiarisation

Details about AQE familiarisation on 15th October.

AQE Familiarisation

On Saturday 15th October, Coleraine Grammar School will hold a familiarisation morning for Primary 7 pupils who wish to sit their AQE tests
at our school.

This Familiarisation Day will be on the Lodge Road Campus from 10am – 11am. During this time the pupils will be able to see where they will sit to
take their tests and senior management will be there to answer any questions they may have about the test mornings.

We will write to parents who have registered their child to sit the tests at Coleraine Grammar School with further details as soon as AQE informs us
of the appropriate names and addresses in the next few weeks.

The tests will take place on the following dates:

12th November

26th November

3rd December

For further information please see: