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A Level Results Day 2022

A2 Results

Coleraine Grammar School’s sixth form pupils were able to celebrate outstanding A2 and AS Level results on Thursday 18th August. Despite the last two years of uncertainty and disruption, our pupils have achieved excellent grades across all subject areas.

This is a very significant set of results because the 2022 A Level cohort are the first pupils of the new school to complete their school careers as pupils of Coleraine Grammar School since we opened in 2015 and they entered Year 8.

At A2 Level, 72 pupils achieved at least one A grade and 30 pupils gained at least one A*. 40 pupils received all A* or A grades in their subjects.

A sample of our top achievers include one pupil successfully gaining an impressive 4 A* grades. She will be studying Biomedical Science at UU. Another pupil achieved 3A* grades and will taking her place at QUB to study Law with Politics. Thirdly, one pupil achieved 2 A*s and 2 A grades and will be studying Civil Engineering at QUB.

Fourteen other pupils achieved at least 2 A* grades.

Our Head Girl, achieved 2 A*s and one A, which enables her to take her place at Cardiff University to study Optometry. Our Head Boy, achieved 1 A* and 2 As, which means he will be attending Glasgow University to study International Relations. There were other high achievers included who all achieved 1 A* and 2 A grades. These pupils are going to a variety of universities like Glasgow, Liverpool and Ulster.

Our pupils’ impressive results are due to the dedication and resilience of our pupils and staff. Headmaster Dr Carruthers commented, “We are immensely proud of our pupils as always, but this year feels even more special, considering all they have been through in the last two years. Congratulations to everyone and thank you to parents and staff for your continued support.”

AS results press release 2022

In Year 13, our pupils also performed very impressively in their AS exams. Overall, there were 25 pupils who had 3 A grades or above.

Some examples of our highest achievers included 3 pupils who achieved 4 A grades at AS. Two pupils gained an A in A2 Maths in a year plus 3 A grades at AS. Four others achieved an A* in A2 Maths in a year and 3 A grades as AS.

These pupils described are merely a sample of the many excellent AS grades our pupils achieved. Well done to all our Year 13s and we look forward to seeing you back at school again in the coming weeks.

A2 Grades Selection

AS Grades Selection