A Level Results Day

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A Level Results 2020

A Level Results Day


This year, has been a difficult year for schools for many reasons and on Thursday 13th August A Level pupils had to navigate results that were in some
cases, not what they had been hoping for.

Despite this, Coleraine Grammar pupils still achieved some outstanding sets of CCEA results. Our top achieving student, got an excellent 5 A*s, ensuring
his place at Queen’s to study Maths. Two pupils will be attending Oxford and Cambridge: one of whom achieved 4 A* grades and is going to read Mathematics
at Balliol College, Oxford and the other achieved 3 A* grades and will be reading Human, Social and Political Sciences at St. John’s College, Cambridge.

Our head girl and head boy both achieved 3 A* with one going to Stanford and the other going to Queen’s to study Dentistry. Seven other pupils, who will
be studying the various courses including Accountancy at Queen’s, Medicine at Queen’s, Dentistry at Queen’s, Biomedical sciences at Liverpool all achieved
3 A*s as well. Other high achievers included: pupils who will study English Literature at St Andrews, Art at University of Ulster and Biomedical Sciences
at University of Ulster who received 3A/A* grades.

This is a mere sample of some of the very pleasing results our pupils received. Out of 116 pupils who hoped for a university place, so far 96 of them have
already secured places.

We are immensely proud of our pupils, however this year there are numbers of students who are understandably disappointed and somewhat confused about their
grades. In some cases, the Centre Assessed Grades have been downgraded, as has happened across all schools in the province. Headmaster Dr Carruthers
has assured the school community that, “Staff in Coleraine Grammar will of course work closely with parents and pupils to support them in appealing
some of the decisions CCEA have taken.”

Congratulations to our class on 2020, it has been an unprecedented year and we wish them all well in their future endeavours.

(Revised report following changes to grading system)

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